


单价: 4800.00
品牌: X431
销量: 累计出售 0 件,0 个订单
评价: 已有 0 条评价
库存: 还剩 300
人气: 已有 84 人关注
更新: 2014-03-12
  • 100%原装
  • 多语言
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 X431 Master is auto universal diagnosis machine, has the function of read DTCs, read datastream, actuation test, sensor waveform display and ECU coding. It is faster to communicate with cars than X-431 by integrated structure to save time in work. It can test most of cars by using the unique 16 PIN connector which integrates the function of all 16 PIN connectors of X-431. 24V operating voltage capability is added to work with different kinds of batteries. X-431 master is easier and more convenient to operate than X-431 based on the smart design.

X431 Master is updated to X431 Master IV

We can offer different X-431 Master version for different area, American version, European version Latin-American version, Africa version, etc.

Africa/Middle East Versino Launch X431 Master advantages:

1. Africa/Middle East local version supports most car software in different version

2. X431 Master can update online on Africa Local for 1 year free

3. Includes Password Envelope

4. Come with printer

5. Favorable price

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