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单价: 1100.00
品牌: 未填写
销量: 累计出售 0 件,0 个订单
评价: 已有 0 条评价
库存: 还剩 300
人气: 已有 77 人关注
更新: 2013-12-08
  • 大巴
  • 最大速度3600r.p.m
立即购买   加入购物车


Bus AC clutch , auto AC clutch, Bus compressor clutch, Bitzer compressor clutch, Bus ac part, auto AC bus compressor cluth, automobile AC bock compressor clutch, compressor clutch for bus. We can supply all kinds of compressor clutch.

This bus ac clutch suit for Bitzer compressor, it is compact structure, convenient installation, reliable operation and energy saving. At the same time, it is high quality at competitive price. This clutch is perfect choice for bus ac compressor and it is widely use in Asia, America, Europe, Africa bus air conditioner system.

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